What I've been up to.

Here's a selection of some recent work. For more up to the minute work you can visit me on dribbble or twitter.

Table Reservation

Table Reservation

Interface Design / UI

As an exploration in product design and architecture I have been working on an idea for a restaurant reservation system. Thoroughly challenging thinking through the product design but ultimately rewarding.

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WordPress Theme / UI

I worked on a new WordPress theme for astoundify.com. A job board theme with a heavy focus on video resumes, available for purchase shortly.

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Web Design / UI

I worked with Facebook to come up with a few concepts for a landing page for Origami, their design prototyping toolkit. Here's one of the earlier drafts that I came up with for the site.

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Web Design / UI / UX / App Design

I'm currently working on a travel related app called Journey, mainly as a collaborative side project to get a better understanding of both app design and development for different platforms.

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Invoice Sherpa

Web Design / UI

I created a marketing site for Invoice Sherpa, a SAAS that helps business owners and book keepers to automate their accounts receivable. I decided to build out the identity around the product name, working in some illustrations to help create the brand.

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Web Design

I worked on the communication site for Realtii, a reimagining of how people search for real estate. The site called for lots of illustrations to convey its purpose, with a big focus on creating a welcoming feel.

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UI Design / UX Design / Web Design

Recently I worked on an overhaul of the marketing website for Trizic, a web-based advisory service platform. I used soft colours to keep the website friendly but also maintain its business like nature.

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UI Design / UX Design

Retrolove contacted me to give a refresh to their online storefront. I updated their colour palette for a more vibrant, youthful feel & changed their typography to better suit their brand nature.

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Text King

Text King

UI Design / Web Design / Responsive

Text King specialize in offering copy for a range of services in a short space of time. I decided some clean, flat illustrations were a different way to bring life to the field, whilst making sure the emphasis remained on the content.

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I can help.

I'm currently available for freelance work.

If you have a project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something or just fancy saying hey, then get in touch.